Sunday, July 15, 2012

Report: Useless Projects

The outcome of Useless Projects (Struggle Against the Notre Dame des Landes Airport) - Les Alternatifs

The establishment a new airport at NDDL means the destruction of 2000 ha of agricultural land and the dismantling of farms and their households. It is a useless project without economic results which denies democracy. Against it almost 40 organizations (trade unions, parties, inhabitants of the area, users' associations.. and the alternatifs) joined forces in order to provide legal and psychological support. How do the Alternatifs see their role in this coordination? They have enlarged the local struggle (music festival, mass pic-nic..) making it to a national and political concern, so that the usual disparaging comments “They are only a few inhabitants, a few greens” could be avoided.

1.The struggle went through different organizations and fought for unity in a big meeting at NDDL.
2.The Alternatifs gave a national and international resonance by inviting famous personalities.
3.We asked the coordinate at the presidential elections to commit themselves to an abolition of this project
4.1000 elected representatives set up a venture to raise money for a new independent survey which led to the same results as ours.
5.It took a hunger strike lasting 28 days involving representations, inhabitants and peasants to obtain the suspension of land evictions as François Hollande was made to promise such a step.
6.And now we this project to other useless projects through a European Forum which is taking place from the of July at NDDL itself.

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